


文章来源:   发布日期:2022-10-12 21:49:38   浏览次数:

《经典阅读》课程是为英语专业22级新生开设的一门集中实践课,以培养学生的文学阅读与鉴赏素养为宗旨,通过优选部分中外作家作品进行研读分析,以学生自主学习、小组讨论及课堂展示为基本方式,引导学生逐步掌握一定的阅读方法,形成主动阅读的良好习惯,增加学生对中外经典名著的了解,增强文学积累,提高文学素养。第一期经典阅读书籍包括:《大学路线图:读大学怎么读》和The Little Prince。




22英语1班 宋志惠)



22英语1班 朱宇骏)



22英语1班 陈飘)

22英语1班 黄雨欣)


(22英语2班 翁紫丽)


22英语2班 谢晴)


22英语2班 汪子依)


(22英语2班 谢寒玉)


The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a novel by French aristocrat, writer, and military aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupry. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets in space, including the Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children's book, The Little Prince makes observations about life, adults and human nature.

Outstanding book reports and videos edited by students are as follows

Every time I read The Little prince, I am moved by the princes attitude toward the world. It is his attitude that brings my sincerity and innocence back. Because of the story of the little prince, I have learned to live a peaceful life with hope, gentleness, thankfulness, and responsibility in my heart.

22英语1班 王友员)


I think this book tells us that only with courage can we feel the beauty of life. As for feelings, only by heart can we understand the true meaning of love. As for loneliness, only by accepting it can we reconcile with ourselves. I hope we can stick to our original intention just like the little prince.

22英语1班 万思盈)


The writer described seven planets which symbolize different people, who all look sad or funny. These grown-ups include a businessman, a tippler, a king, a hunter, and a geographer...all show the ridiculous world where full of grown-ups who are conceited, degraded, and cruel, only focus on numbers and only understand the principles in the textbook. These grown-ups numbly live in the world and only pursue realistic things to decorate themselves like noble and elegant people. What a ridiculous and sad world!

22英语1班 吴泠萱)


   Adults can't understand children's ideas and we also can't understand the mind of the adult. But everyone has the simple ideal because he has been through childhood. Whereas, his mind was changed along with social factors. The social environment has a great impact on ones growth. We should create a good social environment so that we can let every child grow up in a society full of love and warmth. Let them have a wonderful childhood! That's how I feel.

22英语1班 罗奇)


In modern society, people pay too much attention to efficiency and rush forward, but forget to stop and listen to their inner voice. People are more and more like a cold machine, numb, efficient, neither sad nor happy, wrapped in thick armor. Society makes people feel cold, but also because of the lack of love, lack of selfless love, and dedication like the little prince and roses, like the brave say tame me fox-like people. Love should be patient, warm, tolerant and broad. Love, like the little prince, cared for the roses wholeheartedly. He waited patiently for it from the time it was a seed, and finally, it blossomed. Love was like the little fox who loved the little prince so much that he loved me and loved his dog. He loved the little prince so much that he loved the wheat field, which he had not liked before, and even the whole world.

22英语2班 吴晨雯)


The Little Prince has no complicated story, no lofty ideals, and no profound wisdom. It emphasizes some essential, obvious truths. Through this book, I also saw the rich imagination of children, which is often not possessed by adults. Therefore, adults cannot always accurately understand the thoughts of children. of course, each of us will eventually become adults, but I hope that we can always maintain the innocence of childhood and experience the love, truth, goodness and beauty in society.

22英语2班 王晓娟)


I think the book The Little Prince has taught me how to love responsibly, how to stick to myself, and not be tempted by fame, money, power and I like the sentence: It is only with the heart one can see rightly.The world of adults is full of loneliness and pain, As long as we firmly become the person we want to be and always believe in the power of love, we can have our little prince.

22英语2班 邓欢敏)


The Little Prince not only shows the preciousness of the spiritual home of mankind but also highlights the true meaning of communication, that is, the perception of love and responsibility. The essence of building this relationship is that you give sincerity and emotion, and while enjoying the wonderful feelings of a domesticated relationship, you develop a sense of responsibility that ties into each other's hearts. This is a unique emotional bond that presupposes happiness and love, and that people need from one another to each other.

22英语2班 帅雅静)






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