


文章来源:   发布日期:2023-05-08 12:30:05   浏览次数:

​  为了深入了解浮梁古县衙的历史弘扬古县衙楹联反映的法治文化,外国语学院教师吴俊芳带领22英语卓越教师程风实验班的学生前往浮梁古县衙,开展了“读浮梁古县衙楹联品历史文化的为政箴言”主题党建活动


Ancient Fuliang County Administrative Office was first built in the eleventh year of the Yuanhe period of the Tang Dynasty (AD 816). The existing county office was rebuilt during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. It is known as the First County Office in the South of the Yangtze River for its grand scale and complete preservation.The whole building basically maintained the original style of the county government, becoming a living specimen of ancient Chinese government office culture.  The most distinctive feature of Ancient Fuliang County Administrative Office is its couplet plaques. 


There are nearly 100 couplets, which cover the codes of conduct and ethics of local officials in the feudal society. They also summarize the principles for officials to govern and provide a collection of admonishments on official ethics.


It is because of the long history of diligent politics culture that there have been many diligent officials, such as Xu Pengnian in the Northern Song Dynasty and Tang Ying in the early Qing Dynasty. With their diligent, good and practical politics, they have brought vitality to the place and left a bright mirror for future generations. 






版权所有:景德镇学院-外国语学院 制作发布 景德镇学院现代教育技术中心 域名:jdzu.jx.cn 赣ICP备05000937号-1 域名:jdzu.edu.cn 赣ICP备05000937号-2