In late November 1934, in Quanzhou, Xing 'an and Guanyang counties of Guangxi, the Xiangjiang Battle, which was the largest, fiercest and most disastrous on the Long March, began with a bang. At that time, the Central Red Army 25 thousand li long March journey was at a critical stage, the central Red Army faced the GUI Army, the Hunan Army, the central Army, they relied on superior firepower and elite troops, besieging our army everywhere and besieging layer by layer. In this bitter battle, the Central Red Army suffered heavy casualties, and the 86,000 men at the start were reduced to 30,000. The blood of countless Red Army soldiers spilled on the Xiangjiang River, the water of the flowing river was soaked with blood, and the loyalty and soul of the heroes were buried here. In the way of "not drinking Xiangjiang River water for three years, not eating Xiangjiang River fish for ten years", the local people affectionately remembered the tens of thousands of heroes who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause.
“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”陈树湘命令韩伟率师主力第100团突围,自己则率另外两个团负责阻击。第100 团成功突围后,陈树湘指挥部队撤出战斗。然而,在途中波河时,部队遭到敌人伏击。陈树湘在激战中腹部中弹,不幸被俘。在敌人将他押往长沙途中,陈树湘趁敌不备,忍着剧痛,从伤口处掏出肠子,用力绞断,壮烈牺牲,年仅29岁。他以年轻的生命,践行了“为苏维埃新中国流尽最后一滴血”的铮铮誓言。2009年9月10日,陈树湘被评为100位为新中国成立作出突出贡献的英雄模范人物之一。
“Since ancient times, no one has never died, and his heart has been preserved in history.” Chen Shuxiang ordered Han Wei to lead the 100th regiment of the main division to break through, and he led the other two regiments responsible for blocking. After the 100th Regiment successfully broke through, Chen Shuxiang commanded the troops to withdraw from the battle. However, while on the way to the Po River, the troops were ambushed by the enemy. Chen Shuxiang was shot in the stomach during the fierce battle and was captured. When the enemy marched him to Changsha on the way, Chen Shuxiang took advantage of the enemy's surprise, endured severe pain, took out his intestines from the wound, and cut them with force, and died heroically at the age of 29. With his young life, he practiced the vow of "shedding the last drop of blood for the new Soviet". On September 10, 2009, Chen Shuxiang was named one of the 100 heroes who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China.
The hero dies, but the spirit lives on. The heroic songs written by Chen Shuxiang and other revolutionary martyrs with their lives and blood will always be sung across the land of China, inspiring the Chinese people to forge ahead in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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